Always keep in your mind that your lovely Parrot need it's proper feeding. Don't turn it's appetite into your type. This means don't give them your chocolate chips. Follow these basic rules and you can modify it later :
- Give your parrot fruit, vegetables, cooked meats and grains in a balance amount.
- Don't give to much food in single dose to avoid litter. Try small amount first, then increase it gradually if needed. When it reached it's exact portion i.e. your parrot eats all in single day, remember this portion size.
- Give a variety of small servings of different foods, not a lot of one food.
- Give your parrot always fresh food, don't let bacteria and mold left in the cage and make your parrot sick.
- Always served fresh water daily.
- Seeds and nuts are good choice of feed since these foods have few nutrients for parrots.
- Don't let your parrot eats chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, kidney beans, lima beans and avocados. These foods are dangerous for parrots.
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What a lovely informative blog, just what parrot owners are in need of.
I have a parrot based blog too- would you like to swap links?
drop me a link if you are interested :)